“Cash talks."
You may know the second half of this saying. Cash is the ultimate leverage. You don’t have to prove your intentions like those on credit; just prove you can do what you want in business by paying for it.
Cash liquidity will give you extra access to deals, which will in turn allow you to pick the best projects and the best people. Mixing those people and projects with your hard work ethic and good ideas will pay off indefinitely. Unfortunately, for the cash-poor, the “rich” do in fact “get richer,” and this includes businesses like yours that produce profits and protect their cash properly.
“Cash is king.”
“The one with gold makes the rules.” If you are competing against someone who has deeper pockets than you do, then you are at a strategic disadvantage. You have to make up for this through the aggressive methods outlined throughout this document and through other methods that you develop. You could also say that if you have the most cash to capitalize your operations, you are then the king of your industry, so long as you don’t fall down on the job.
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“Numbers don’t lie."
This is another critical precept. You must measure your operations so you can tell which of your ideas are working, or which more mature operations are still worthwhile. Knowing your numbers will also help you to make fast, rational decisions. “Numbers” generally refers to money, but the other numbers you will need to track include your web traffic, number of sales, the number of sales per employee, and so forth.
“Time is money."
”If you can manipulate time on a daily and long-term basis, you can cause significant harm to your competitors and constantly nip away at their market share.
“You’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts."
”There is no reason not to research, study, and give attention to the empirical truths governing your business and industry but there are plenty of reasons why you should. Th e more accurate information you have about your business, the more realistic your results.
“Talk is cheap."
Your credibility is critical in assuring your long-term success and enabling access to the right people to help you accomplish the tasks at hand. If you are always talking a big game and never delivering on your talk, your recipient will recognize it. You can’t hide. Your record will ultimately speak for itself. So don’t talk too much about the many mountains you will climb until you climb a few small ones to get warmed up.
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
If you had the choice of getting $100 now, guaranteed, or potentially getting $200 in a couple of months, what would you do? This saying suggests you should take the $100 cash, and we agree. You might not really get the $200 later, so take what you can now, and then go back for more tomorrow.
“Get it while the getting is good."
Timing is everything. Be everywhere all the time. Be there and be aware.
“Night owl slays the poisonous snake."
Don’t miss the opportunity to be the first in line to get the job done.
“Don’t cry over spilt milk.”
You don’t have any time to live in the past; you are moving forward too quickly. Whatever is upsetting you about what has already happened is ultimately irrelevant. You can cry all you want, but you will not gain any benefit from doing so. Take the lessons learned and move on.
“There is no such thing as easy money.”
At least we’ve never seen it (unless one was born into a fortune).
“It’s all in the details.”
If you understand and best manage all the details to optimize your business and industry, then you can beat the competition.
“Eat or be eaten."
Businesses should attempt to adhere to a process of natural selection.
“90% of success is just showing up.”
”Those who actually try their hardest will succeed; those who don’t are allowing extra opportunity for those with true desire.
“Change is the only constant.” / “Nothing endures but change.”
Plan on evolving.
“None of us is as smart as all of us."
That is why we recommend garnering consensus on opinions whenever possible.
“Don’t take credit, take cash."
”Feeling proud of your accomplishments can be beneficial in moving you forward to the next level of your business. However, maintain your focus so you can move forward gracefully. Your job is to make money, not to have your ego stroked.
“Get everything in writing."
This will protect you from vague deals that predominate among those not in writing. Failing to document deals is an inexact and risky method of working with your clients, peers, employees, and vendors, usually causing problems as time passes. If solutions to the most common business issues are decided in advance and in writing, including a means of resolving conflicts and dissolving relationships, then you could save yourself endless hours of frustration and legal fees. So make certain all of your deals and proposals are in writing!
“If it ain’t broke, DO fix it."
”This is a similar concept to “constant incremental improvement”, “kaizen” or evolving Best Practices, and is equally critical to your success. Those who aren’t “breaking things” that ostensibly work will be undermined by the competitors who are in fact making continuous improvements. Don’t become complacent