“Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.”
If you’ve messed up, it doesn’t mean you are permanently damaged goods. So recover quickly and move on, like you would if you spilled milk.
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
Most obstacles can be surmounted.
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again."
Persistence pays. Giving up easily doesn’t give the process a fair chance, which means you aren’t giving yourself or your skills a fair chance.
“To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Similarly, every barber thinks you need a haircut, every car dealer thinks you need a car, and every PR agent thinks you need an expensive PR
campaign. Don’t buy the hammer’s approach unless it fits within your own architectural design.
“Dress for success. Dress to impress.”
Th e idea of doing a “meet and greet” sales call with professional clothing, nice grooming, and a charming personality is a tried and true method to increase the percentage of prospective deals that will successfully close. It costs relatively little compared to what it might deliver and there really is no downside.
“Stuff flows upstream.”
Delegating is good in theory, but inevitably, the boss needs to take responsibility for everything that happens within the company.
“Knowledge is power."
The essence of business knowledge is learning how to obtain and utilize the right information and data at the right time and know how to apply it appropriately. Being loaded with actionable business knowledge is likely to make you wealthy aft er it has been applied with years of hard work. Being wealthy and wise is often considered “powerful.” Therefore, knowledge is power.
“Don’t be pennywise and pound foolish."
Saving money is a good idea as long as you are not obsessed with it and you aren’t making bad decisions as a result. If you are fortunate, you may have saved money in your bank, in bonds, home equity, stocks, and so on. You need to decide what portion of that savings can be reinvested and when to look for higher yield investments that have a greater risk profile. You might be able to prove aft er testing and studying that you can spend a penny on your business to make a dollar. Or you can spend a penny to make five pennies. In either case, you should invest more, and therefore, deplete some of your savings which can be saved again later on.
“Two heads are better than one."
When you follow this logic, you recognize that consensus is good. But even so, the team leader/president must prevail whenever consensus isn’t readily attainable. Th ere is never time for bickering or not making clear, assertive decisions.